I’ve received an incredibly kind invitation; I sure hope I can take it! I feel sort of bad though, because I think other people deserve it more than I do.

Hm, the next few weeks are pretty crazy:

Thu 26: Edward Tufte Course and MSI member’s night, Chicago.
Fri 27: OSCOM, Berkeley. Bookmobile launch, SF. (Unlikely to attend.)
SatSun: Hoshana Rabba, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah. (Jewish Holidays)
30-Oct3: OSXCON, Santa Clara. (Need someplace to stay. Anyone?)
Mon 7: Bernstein’s oral argument in crypto export case, San Francisco. (Ditto.)
Tues 8: Bookmobile arrives in D.C.
Wed 9: Lessig’s oral argument in Eldred case, D.C.

posted September 23, 2002 12:51 AM (Personal) #


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