Raw Thought

by Aaron Swartz

The God Who Wasn’t There (And The One Who Was)

“I was doing some research into the idea that Jesus never existed. When I first looked into it, I thought it was just a crackpot theory and I was curious why anyone would believe this,” explains Brian Flemming. “To my surprise I found the evidence kept stacking up. The more I looked into it, the more that the facts aligned with those who said Jesus was just a legendary character. The shaky evidence and the poor reasoning were actually on the side of those who said that Jesus did exist.”

And so Flemming (Bat Boy: The Musical, Nothing So Strange, Fair & Balanced, and all-around digital rights supporter) decided to make a movie. The result, which is currently being screened across the country in theaters and at atheist organizations and will be released on DVD soon, is a shockingly good film.

Flemming begins at the beginning: the popular story of Jesus. In a hilarious montage of old footage taken from the Prelinger archives underneath deadpan narration, he tells the story in six minutes. And then it’s on to debunking it. Through interviews with various experts, illustrated with entertaining graphics, he tries to reconstruct the historical evidence for the story…only to find there isn’t much and a lot doesn’t add up.

Convinced the story is wrong, Flemming takes aim at the right-wing Christian fundamentalists who act based on it, the wishy-washy Christian moderates who enable them, and the rest of the system. He concludes by heading back home to the fundamentalist Christian school he attended as a child to confront the principal about what he’s teaching children.

Flemming’s previous film, Nothing So Strange (which I also reviewed) was interesting but, in fairness, rather amateurish. No such criticism can be made of this film, which has some of the best graphics I’ve seen in a documentary and a brilliant score composed from the Creative Commons-licensed Wired CD by the hertofore-unknown DJ Madson (a nom-de-plume of Flemming, I’m beginning to suspect) by remixing popular artists. The whole thing, from the interviews down to the promotional posters, hangs together so well that it’s hard to believe Flemming is doing this all himself, but apparently he is, with no liberal atheist conspiracy to back him.

(Although, in full disclosure, Larry Lessig and former Creative Commons executive director Glenn Otis Brown receive special thanks in the credits. And in a remote Q&A via iChat after the screening here at Stanford, Flemming was wearing a Creative Commons shirt. So if you want to investigate a conspiracy, that’s where I’d look.)

On the other hand, Flemming has always had what Bill O’Reilly might call a “parasitic” sense of self-promotion. His film Nothing So Strange received press largely because it included scenes of Bill Gates being assassinated. And during the California Recall, Flemming jumped into the fray on the platform “If elected, I will resign.” (Thus making Lt. Governor Bustamante governor, since at the time he was refusing to run, thinking he’d draw support away from the actual governor.) When FOX sued Al Franken for using the phrase “Fair and Balanced”, Flemming wrote a play with the name. When Arnold Schwarzenegger sued the makers of a bobblehead version of him, Flemming posted a photo of Arnold’s penis.

Both times, he insisted the works were a form of political protest, but he still charged money for the products. He did the same when he released portions of Nothing So Strange under a Creative Commons license. It’s one thing to support free speech; it’s another to try to make money off of other people’s support for it. What’s unsettling about this film is not how Flemming is using various atheist groups to screen and promote it — that’s perfectly reasonable, especially since he’s giving the DVDs to the groups at outrageously low prices.

No, what’s unsettling is a hidden feature on Flemming’s site called the Grassroots Promotion Team or GPT. In general these things are nothing new — just personally, I remember volunteering for Apple when the iMac came out and joining a “Street Team” website to promote a Buffy DVD. The idea behind such sites is that your particular group of obsessive lonely fans will spend their free time promoting your products on various forums and websites in exchange for a chance to win some lame prizes.

It’s sad when big corporations do this, but when independent political folks like Flemming do it, it becomes a little creepy. It’s also problematic. Take the movie’s soundtrack, which is sold on Amazon. Normally such obscure CDs have hardly any reviews. But this one not only had 11, but they were all amazingly glowing. “Wow, this CD must be really good,” I thought. But when I saw Flemming was awarding 100 “points” for each Amazon review, it suddenly made sense. If everyone plays this game, Amazon reviews will quickly become meaningless, which is why I don’t think it’s a very good idea to start.

The film is valuable and grassroots promotion of it is certainly a good thing. I just wish it felt a little less like using well-meaning people to make money for Flemming and a little more like a cooperative community with the aim of spreading the Real News.

Brian Flemming responds:

Thanks for the kind words about the movie. I agree with some of your criticism of the street team, but I think your aim is off the mark with much of it.

  1. AMAZON REVIEWS. There’s an old phrase in publicity, “I don’t care if the review is positive or negative, just put the title in the headline.” As an indie filmmaker always struggling to get the word out against competing messages backed by tens of millions of dollars, I definitely subscribe to this philosophy. It was never the design of the movie’s street team to load up Amazon with praise (frankly, a mix of angry one-star reviews and passionate five-star reviews would be better). It’s no secret that authors and their publishers and friends stack the Amazon book reviews (as has been documented), but I don’t wish to add to that clutter. I’ve never asked anyone to post nice things on Amazon about the soundtrack CD for The God Who Wasn’t There, or to withhold negative statements (and I have not posted a review myself). Street team members are given a free (digital) copy of the soundtrack and encouraged to go to Amazon and post a review of the music—that’s it. About 5% of them do. There’s no incentive to make the review positive or negative. However, while I think the street team members’ reviews of the soundtrack CD on Amazon are sincere, and no harm has been done, this particular sample does naturally skew positive—if you’re on the street team, you probably like the film/soundtrack you’ve decided to back with your time. But then again, reviews are inherently biased—and fans tend to be more motivated than others in posting. Most reviews on Amazon for most media products are positive for that reason. I’ll freely admit to sending people to Amazon—but my goal is battling obscurity, not battling negative opinion. And I certainly can’t stop anyone from posting a negative review.

  2. THE STREET TEAM ITELF. A “street team” is a group of volunteer supporters who distribute flyers and stickers and otherwise spread the word about a band or film online and offline. You say, “It’s sad when big corporations do this, but when independent political folks like Flemming do it, it becomes a little creepy.” Here’s where I think your aim is considerably off the mark. To be opposed to a street team is nearly tantamount to being opposed to the very idea of promoting indie artists. I believe promotion should be honest and ethical, but promotion itself is not an evil. And organizing promotion is not an evil. To eliminate street teams would be largely to give up and turn over the marketplace to those who have the money to promote via advertising and other expensive means. It would strengthen messages backed by money and weaken messages backed by passion. I think the street team for The God Who Wasn’t There is a great example of passion being organized into action, and I’m proud of it. I give theatrical rights away for free—and then a group like SF Atheists holds a screening and earns upwards of $1000 to help their extremely important efforts. Volunteers go to a website where grassroots action is made easier—and conversations all over the web get started over whether Jesus really did exist, a very legitimate question that is nonetheless the third rail of mainstream-media conversations about Christianity. Street teams aren’t “creepy,” and this one in particular is doing some very real, verifiable good.

  3. MONEY. You write that when I attacked Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill O’Reilly via Fair Use Press, I “insisted the works were a form of political protest, but [Flemming] still charged money for the products. He did the same when he released portions of Nothing So Strange under a Creative Commons license. It’s one thing to support free speech; it’s another to try to make money off of other people’s support for it.” Really, I’m just shaking my head in wonder at this accusation. I have never made any profit whatsoever from any of my Fair Use Press e-books. The Schwarzenegger attack was given away, with a high-res “premium” edition sold at first for $1 (both editions are free now and have been for about a year). I added a $1 price to that specifically to demonstrate fair use—that I wasn’t taking a “noncommercial” copout, so Schwarzenegger and his attorney couldn’t claim that’s why they didn’t sue. That’s what my activism through Fair Use Press is about—demonstrating the limits of fair use. I want people to look at what I do, see that I got away with it, and then do more of the same. The commercial marketplace—where messages like Bill O’Reilly’s already live—is an important battlefield in this fight. Just because I fight in that space doesn’t mean I’m making a profit from Fair Use Press. I don’t, and it certainly isn’t part of the plan (I spend far more on promotion and advertising than I take in). And my best-case scenario for The God Who Wasn’t There is to break even on marketing expenses (production costs are already written off, gladly, as a loss). All of my indie-film work and free-culture activism operates in the red, subsidized by the Hollywood work-for-hire assignments I take that also pay my rent. I’m not, as you say, “using well-meaning people to make money.” I’m putting in my own money and time to the same purpose as the people I’m working side-by-side with. The fact that we earn revenue to try to keep the project somewhat self-sustaining cannot reasonably be termed exploitation.

Criticism is a good thing, Aaron, and we free-culture activists of course do need to criticize each other where criticism is justified. And I certainly should be held publicly accountable for anything I publicly do. But in this case I really think you’ve gone overboard and made accusations that have little merit.

Aaron replies:

Thanks for responding. I can’t say I’m glad to hear you don’t expect to turn a profit on any of this, but it certainly allays any fears of exploitation.

But I feel like you missed my main point about the street team — the one I ended the article with: “I just wish it felt … a little more like a cooperative community with the aim of spreading the Real News.” There’s nothing wrong with telling people about music or movies you like, or even putting up posters to promote them. Where it gets creepy is when this natural enthusiasm is co-opted and channeled into a structured, top-down sort of system. Now I’m not just expressing my opinions, I’m following orders so I can get goodies. That fundamentally changes things.

Maybe an analogy will help. My mom likes telling people about interesting things I’ve done. There’s nothing wrong with this — the people she talks to like knowing this stuff. But you have to admit it would be creepy if I started providing my mom with a list of my achievements and awarding her points every time she found a way to mention them. Mom begins to feel used, her friends begin to feel duped, and I look like a narcissist.

There’s no need to get rid of the promotion system, just scale it back a little. Provide a list of suggested actions, a forum where people can talk about what they’re doing, and then offer to mail a t-shirt or something to people who work hard.

You see, contrary to popular opinion — even in the free culture community, oddly enough — rewards are incredibly destructive. Study after study shows they actually demotivate people, encourage people to cheat and lie, and cause them to make stupid decisions about trade-offs. For an excellent book on the subject, see Alfie Kohn’s Punished By Rewards.

You should follow me on twitter here.

June 1, 2005


In as much I don’t want to turn this commentary resource/forum into a religious one, I have to make a point or more. Based on this comment:

”’….explains Brian Flemming. “To my surprise I found the evidence kept stacking up. The more I looked into it, the more that the facts aligned with those who said Jesus was just a legendary character. The shaky evidence and the poor reasoning were actually on the side of those who said that Jesus did exist.’”

While it’s not new to exploit the notion of GOD for money, politics and “socio-pathetic” acts, it mocks the inside of my crania what really drives people to do this, part of the questions that goes through my mind is: have these people not read their history books very well? Has anyone fought with this truly Supreme Being and won before? Mortal, finite and imperfect man questions- blindly, the immortal, infinite and perfect Man?

Mr Brian Flemming, with all the love of my heart, I will be truthful with you: have ever considered that one day you will close your eyes in death, as our fore fathers have done, WHAT IF……WHAT IF, ALL the things you’ve heard about this God is just 100% true, what would you do? Are you prepared to take the worst RISK any man would ever take?

One day, yes ONE DAY, Brian, you will come face-to-face with this Jesus whom you’ve discarded and are treating as just another fabled legendary character.

posted by John on October 3, 2005 #

^ JohnE.. Angry JohnE…don’t act out because your heavily conditioned reality is being attacked. Its ok to fight for what you believe in but how about you turn your struggle within and step out of your comfort zone..Whats a matter? Dont have enough faith to doubt?

Well..I find myself to highly resonate with much of what Mr. Flemming is saying. I understand how this movie will shake the core of Christian fundies (I’m from a hardcore Seventh Day Adventist background, I can relate!)however…if there is a God She expects us to use our will and reason to arrive at a belief which is in accordance with our knowledge. We pass through viels of ignorance..some have learned too much to go back and believe what was once held so dear. However, this movie should be seen in a positive light by those who are truly seeking after truth. It offers them the freedom from Christianities darker psychologically impacting dogmas. Basically, there are many other beautiful faiths to seek after and experience. This movie is doubting the existence of Jesus Christ..not God.

What I would really like to see is a movie about the group of poeple who have designed religions since the Egyptian Era who gained the prescient eye of the heart which allowed each initiate to behave as an evolving organism supporting a trend towards higher genetic manifestations. Our views change the world and ourselves..we must pass through these early stages..you have to crawl before you walk. The Quantum Physics of today already sounds buddhist in nature and it is only a matter of time before science and religion find the synergy they once held before division. What do the Sufis have up their sleaves this time around? What do the illuminates intend next? Perhaps Flemming is playing his part without even realizing it….

posted by sivarT on October 9, 2005 #

Hey John

you said: “…WHAT IF……WHAT IF, ALL the things you’ve heard about this God is just 100% true, what would you do? Are you prepared to take the worst RISK any man would ever take?”

John, has it occurred to you that the “risk” you speak of is a centuries old, highly refined manipulation designed to keep us in line?

Those who wish to control and rule the fearful masses have learnt a great deal about human nature over the centuries. Our masters are educated and sophisticated. What better way to manipulate the fearful masses than by associating the infinite punishment of hell with death, the greatest, most fearful mystery of all?

It’s all carrot and stick, Pavlovian conditioning, refined by men and tested over many centuries. People are waking up to this and the Fundamentalists are a temporary reaction to the unstoppable tide of enlightenment.

Cheers Tezza

posted by Tezza on November 9, 2005 #

The God Who Wasn´t there was a BAD documentary with some nice old-school footage though ;) It is always sad to see a person take a stubborn “crusade” seriously, against something he got screwed up about as a kid.

This revenge smells through the whole time of the movie, just getting worse towards the end. All the questions were thrown in the air, but none answered. There were some really interesting points, but they got skipped in a minute. I´m always up for a challenge for my faith, and this didn´t challenge me anymore than the hard parts of the bible. Good about this was the view on american fundamental christianity whom should have a second look on their theology. On my opinion The filmmaker didn´t even got the principal look stupid, but rather himself. Interviewing some teens and regular-Joes about egyptian gods? come on- why not ask from theologians who should know about this stuff?

The reason why I looked at this film was because of the acclaimed graphics, and let me tell you as a graphic designer and an animator- i was disappointed. I feel sorry for this amateurish movie.

“Blasphemy of the spirit” -give me a break! ever thought to read that part within the context? If you deny the Messianity of Jesus (like the pharisees did), you deny salvation from yourself. Just wanted to point that out because people always ask about that.

was the film objective? -no was the film entertaining? -for 5.min was the film challenging? -not really was the film ethical? -no was there a point in this? -one mans revenge, which many will undoubptadly agree on however.

I constantly doubt myself, my relationships as well as my relationship with God. It is a human thing to do. If something is true it doesn´t cease to exist even if we doubt. If there is a God he can take our doubts then. If not, then you doubted your illusions off. It´s good for us all to doubt. Even our doubts;)


posted by Markus R on December 8, 2005 #

I didn’t see the film but I like the idea. For quit long time I ask controversial questions even to high ranked theologians but they have no answers. Why well informed theologians didn’t give the answers on this or other appropriate forum as they done about Mel Gibson film “Passion of Chris?” We all believe in what St Paul sell to as, that not stop anybody to doubt abot existance of Christ as is portrated by St Paul. Chistianity need coimplete new reforms. Reed the pre-christian mitology and everyone will see we have beliving for 2000 years in paganism. All what St Peter sell to as was writen for milenniums before him and Jisus Christ. Simple question to the christians: Why cross is the symbol of Christianity? Panko Stamkoski

posted by Panko S. on December 15, 2005 #

the idea of a child of god is already so rediculous it does not debunking… that near quote sums up my feelings on this whole debate, i am so utterly thankful that someone has championed the cause of sanity to stem the tide of hate spreading around the world as it has done for centuries

posted by Brent Lawson on January 8, 2006 #

I saw the movie last night and was amazed at the gaping holes in the “scholarship.” The phrase that immediately came to mind was ‘Fundamentalist Atheist.’ The passion to disprove the historical Jesus plays fast and loose with scripture and history.

No mention of Josephus, Pliny the Younger, or other Roman historians that document the historical person of Jesus. You can deny the divinity of Jesus (it’s called Free Will), but playing fast and loose with facts to prove a point is just as bad as when Fundamentalists do it.

And what was with the stem cell sermon. Athiests for Life should be really upset.

posted by Jadis on January 23, 2006 #

i have just recently watched the film, and was very dissappointed by it. I knew the movie was inspired by a skeptic by the title, but i didnt know to what extent. A couple times i laughed, because of how ludicrous his points were, and a couple of times i felt hurt. Till i myself realized, that this IS not the case, but yet another perception on the story’s interpretation itself. It was obvious that the writer did a BIAS research, and a had a bias view. Not to say that everything he mentioned was false, and that it is wrong of him to feel that way, but i think the only thing that needed altering was his perception. It is quite obvious that he is not a spiritual person, and his understanding of it lies on an intellectual level. Plenty of times during the movie, i noticed that the things that he said, were not FAR from the truth, but his interpretation of it was twisted. Like for instance, if he did more research, and kept an open mind, he would have probably realized that Jesus was no more than a normal man like us. He taught perception and mind training. Taught that GOD is not a seperate being, but a MIND STATE, that we have seperated ourselves from. BEING God, lies in a mind state WITHOUT perception and the ego’s thought system. There was one part in the movie, where Brian points out that in the Bible, the only considered sin, that Jesus made a point to exlimate, is to deny the Holy Spirit because it leads us to an ETERNITY of damnation. This sin, is not a sin, waiting to be judged by GOD, in order to condemn u. It is a sin we cast upon ourselves that WILL lead us to an eternity of HELL, which interpreted right, u will find out is EARTH (or the physical plain). If you deny the HOLY spirit, then you will not be able to defeat the EGO’s perception, Therefore , trapping us HERE, to be reborn and die, over and over until we ascend. Jesus is an ascended Master, just like Buddha, or Thaddeus, or other historical men and women who share similar life stories as Jesus, as Brian points out. What is the world besides product of THOUGHTS? The world IS what it is and will always remain to BE, but our perception is what projects some sort of reality. What is BLASHPEMY but a contradicting thought? I think the movie is hurtful to young, ignorant minds , that can only ADD time, to our re-awaking. Jesus teaches through forgiveness of YOURSELF, for creating these illusions of perception, and the forgiveness of your brothers, for strengthening your illusions, shall you free yourself. The HOLY spirit is the only thing REAL in our minds, that we did not create, because we ARE it. So you cannot RID of it, only HIDE it. As for Jesus returning to us again, it must be interpreted PROPERLY to understand it. I know now, that Jesus is not just going to reappear to us at ONCE. It is an individual process. WE ARE CHRIST. Yet, if we continue to neglect the holy spirits way of thinking, which was our ORIGINAL way of thinking before we created our EGO, then he will not be able to reach you. Like Jesus, Buddha reached his enlightenment through the middle way, which lies between all extreme opposites. Understanding that opposites are Incoherent, only one of them can TRULY exist. The other, created by the ego, can only be false. Both paths that these two men took, led them to the ultimate REALITY of all things. Thank you Aaron for this page, because right after i saw this movie, i was driven to do something to defend the Holy spirit as you were. Fortune C

posted by fortune C on February 5, 2006 #

people need to understand that this film, while not the best documantary on the subject, IS COMPLETELY TRUE. jesus WAS NOT real, the bible IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD, and in fact, THERE IS NO GOD. all it takes is common sense and the ability to USE YOUR BRAIN.

please, PLEASE, all you stubborn, ignorant, naive christians who talk about “testing” your faith…its NOT “testing” your faith, it should be OPENING YOU EYES, or “LEARNING THE TRUTH”. i hate to say it. but christians are idiots. all of them. because they belive this rubbish. its that simple. i feel sorry for you. you are dumbasses.

this site should prove you wrong and shut you up forever. get a life. use your damn brain, why is it being wasted on you people?


posted by Kam on February 27, 2006 #

and fortune C, you are a complete dumbass. get a grip.

i think you should watch “who wrote the bible”. you may be more inclined to listen, as the man presenting it is a christian himself.

(though i fail to understand, after learning how the bible came to be, he is still a christian?? i mean, youd think if the SOLE “evidence” for gods existance is proved to not be what it claims, the religion would die…i guess it just shows how stubborn christians are. and how, even with the bible out the window, you all still seem to believe in what is said. i REALLY cant comprehend this. i again, reiterate, christians are stupid.)

posted by kam on February 27, 2006 #

Interesting. How ONE film, “who wrote the bible” can convince you, that I am dumb. Its also very contradicting that you REFUSE to believe in the bible, BUT you beleive in this MOVIE. Not once, did i say that the bible was a valid source of information and it should be clear that the church is an illuminati owned and controlled organization. So obviously the BIBLE has been tampered with. So Kam, mister KNOW IT ALL, your so quick to deny Jesus, and the Bible, and christians, and say it all doesnt exist. So what is your explanation for it all. I mean, what i wrote must have been interesting enough for you to read all the way to the bottom. I am not a religious person myself, nor do i beleive in religion period. The term Relgion has this thick black cloud surrounded by it, that the sound of it scares people to DEATH. All it is, is a form of some type of beleif. YOUR DENIAL OF JESUS, AND CHRISTIANITY, AND THE BIBLE, IS YOUR RELGION** Do you understand that?? OR do i need to make a movie to clarify that for you?? So you tell me, what is the truth then?? There is no God?? Thats your truth. When the TRUTH of the matter is, to everyone else who read what you wrote, and beleive in something else, your a dumbass. But of a population of 34 billion people in this world, and millions of different beleifs, YOURS IS RIGHT, and everyone ELSE, who doesnt beleive what you beleive is a dumbass. I SEE. Yes, ur right about one thing, Christianity, along with every other religion, in its own sense , IS a crock of shit. But, KAM, if you look with your eyes, and not your mouth, you will soon see, that they are all the same in ESSENCE. Relgion doesnt have to be about GOD, or JESUS, or BUDDHA. They are all SYMBOLS. Symbols for understanding, almost like WORDS. YOUR mind is the only thing that is real. WHY DONT YOU THINK ABOUT IT for a second. Without your mind, you would be incapable of understanding what i am saying to you right now. Before you lift a finger to type, you have to THINK about it first, before you speak a single word, or move a single muscle, you have to think about it first. You mind is the only thing that has the pwer in this world to Manifest. Every single thing that exists on this PHYSICAL plain, is a manifestation of someone ELSES MIND. Without the pwer of thought, that DOES NOT COME FROM YOUR BRAIN, this world would be a DESERT LAND, with NOTHING. WHEN YOU DIE, YOUR MIND DOES NOT STOP RUNNING, your brain does, and your body does. YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY, YOU ARE YOUR MIND. And until you are able to realize that, during a BREATHING, PHYSICAL LIFE, and detach yourself from any PHYSICAL identification we have given ourselves, our minds will continue to be in denial of its OWN EXISTANCE. Our minds are ETERNAL, therefore SO ARE WE. It should almost be OBVIOUS right now. And i dont need a book or movie to convince me all of the time. I CAN FEEL IT, and so CAN YOU. KAM, you might feel good about yourself with the fact that you KNOW that Jesus never existed. But with that out of the way, i know your as unsatisfied aseveryone else in this world, because with that aside, what do you REALLY KNOW??? Tell me, before your own birth, where did you come from, where are you going after you DIE, maybe someone you know in this lifetime has passed away, WHERE ARE THEY NOW??? How did you get here, WHY ARE YOU HERE?? How can you be so confidant that you know so much about whats going on around you, when you dont even really know who YOU ARE. Still feel smart?

posted by Fortune C on March 10, 2006 #

and KAM, the only difference between me and you, is that i dont think everyone who doesnt believe in what i beleive, is a dumbass. Im sure you have your reasons for beleiving what you beleive, but your telling everyone to OPEN THERE eyes, when yours are sown SHUT. Youve seen ONe colour of the rainbow, and believe it is the only colour that exists. I wish you luck on your journey in life, and i hope one day, if you dont find God, he finds you.

posted by on March 10, 2006 #

I watched this movie last night and it is quite ridiculous. It is based on a man who had bad dealings in a christian school and has denied christ for that reason. Christiananity is a religion based on faith and faith conjures hope. Being a atheist there is no hope. I would rather hope to enter a afterlife rather than make movies denying christ because of a lonely guys opinion. There is truth to all of the convictions in this movie and the quotes have been stretched out of context. This is a man who is asking all kinds of questions…but speaking no answers. He is living off his pride and ego. He is walking in circles and he is quite humorous to me. The existence of Jesus Christ has been proven my many secular history records. This is complete and utter rubbish that is formulated in this movie. I feel sorry for him. So lost…in his head.

posted by Trev III on April 3, 2006 #

Hey, I thought it was a great film. Not definitive but a good introduction into the topic. I came from a Christian background myself, first Roman Catholic then Baptist. Now I’d consider myself an athiest and skeptic. I’m willing to believe but without tangible proof I refuse to just give up reason. To this Fortune C character…. wow… I don’t know if I can really comprehend the pretentious, over-pious tripped out beliefs you have. I mean you have no grounding in anything. You throw out the religious scriptures and institutions to which those beliefs first came from, then you claim they are part of some illuminati conspiracy, in make revisions and changes to whatever translation(s) of the bible you read and claim those as truth. You can think you’re challenging bullies like Kam with your hippy prescriptions of faith, but it’s just frustrating for me to witness people like you live and announce such things. How do you know that anything you believe is true, becuase you FEEL it? Feelings are the most unruley part of human existence and they frequently change. So do you think your beliefs are benetificial to others? Well lets let a hospital full of the mentally ill and delusional out into the streets and see how productive they are to the rest of society. These kind of groundless beliefs have no place in real life and are contrary to nature and survival. You may not be an unright lunatic, but you are very pretentious. (maybe I am too… c’est la vie)

almost forgot, but my only complaint to the dvd is that it does come off as Flemming’s revenge - around the part of where he brings up the unforgiveable sin part. It tarnishes the film, but he makes good points nonetheless.

posted by dcb on April 5, 2006 #

Deb, i understand what you are saying, because you are practically repeating what i said to Kam, to Me. Im not saying that my beleifs are more solid than yours. In fact, they are on the exact same level in which they are both JUST beliefs. Im also not saying that the Bible itself is an entire illuminat conspiracy. My point, is that YES, there is HIDDEN knowledge of our existance somewhere out there, because it exists in YOU. Whatever anyone chooses to believe, i fully support, whether you choose to beleive in god or not. In reality, there is only plenty of paths to choose from in this world, BUT there is only ONE ending. However you choose to get there, depends on you. JUst like you said that you may be being a little pretentious also. At least your open to that, most people are closed minded and only beleive what They beleive. God bless

posted by fortune C on April 6, 2006 #

I read a number of these comments, especially those that claim there are Roman contemporary accounts of Jesus’ existance. Mentioned were both Pliny the Younger (who first wrote anything mentioning Christians a good 40 years after Jesus’ presumed death) and Josephus, who wrote his history mentioning Jesus around 98 CE (Jesus would have died around 30 CE and Josephus wasn’t even born untiul 37 CE.) So their writings were based on hearsay at best and not on Contemporary Experience. This certainly gives Flemming a correct position.

posted by btchakir on April 7, 2006 #

I read a number of these comments, especially those that claim there are Roman contemporary accounts of Jesus’ existance. Mentioned were both Pliny the Younger (who first wrote anything mentioning Christians a good 40 years after Jesus’ presumed death) and Josephus, who wrote his history mentioning Jesus around 98 CE (Jesus would have died around 30 CE and Josephus wasn’t even born untiul 37 CE.) So their writings were based on hearsay at best and not on Contemporary Experience. This certainly gives Flemming a correct position.

posted by btchakir on April 7, 2006 #

All these notions that Christ never existed are coming about {as pedicted} not because of the evidence but because of the blindeness that is overtaking mankind.Our culture questions every basic truth.There are no longer absolutes, we dboubt everything. Historically, We don’t question the exsistence of Pilot,Caesar,Rome, Mary,Buddha, or Muhammad…but Jesus, oh yeah absolute PROOF….! The Bible predicts with dead on accuracy the politcal climate just before the end… see {Mat 24:4-26} {1Tim 4:1-3} {2Tim 3:1-15} {Rom 1:18-32} {2Pet 3:4}.

Is this all a coincidence…?

Some FFT… We call our year 2006 because of Him, we see miracles in His name,changed lives,observed holidays,answered prayers,all done in His name…We are hands down the greatest Nation in world history and we call ourselves a “Christian Nation}. {Look at India they worship cows} {The Islamic countrys deny Christ as the only Son}. Would any of you want to live there…? {Look at Russia & China The result of Atheism}. Say what you will,but those are teh facts and we certainly have more people trying to get in the USA than out…

There are 4 gospels about His life. All written by eyewitness accounts, which the 1st copies still exsist,and this is for someone who never exsisted…? 11 of the 12 diciples {who walked with Him} died inhumane tortured deaths, seperate and alone from the others, and all they had to do was say…”OK it’s a hoax, He never exsisted.” and not one did.

These types of theories about Him and His credibility are based on the “Gnostic” gospels. All 140 written after He died by some 385-500 years. Their credibility is highly suspect to say the least. You won’t find a book written during the time frame He lived that disputes His actual existence. NOT ONE!!!!!!!!

As for the Bible, written by several authors as opposed to one like the Q’uran. Hard to believe that these predicitons are luck and chance. The Old Testament predicts the Messiah’s coming, His lineage, His place of birth, and His way of death {crucifixtion} BEFORE it was invented.How can that be explained…? For Christ to have fulfilled all documented prophices is mathmatically 1x10 to the 40th power. I would say it takes more faith to doubt He ever lived than to believe He did…

{Rev. 1:7-8}

posted by aperfectstranger on October 13, 2006 #

aperfectstranger……That’s the kind of reasoning that enables someone to be a devout christian.

posted by ss on November 22, 2006 #

aperfectstranger……That’s the kind of reasoning that enables someone to be a devout christian.

posted by ss on November 22, 2006 #

Dear Panko Stamkoski

The cross is not a christian symbol rather it was used by Romans to inflict the slowest and most cruel death imaginable, Why God the father choose for His Son to endure this path read the gospel of John chapter 17. As with many symbols they stand to take the place of Jesus Christ, Who will after the dust settles on this movie be the only One left standing.

posted by halbe on January 5, 2007 #

Wow, I saw the trailer to “The God Who Wasn’t There” and I was quite amazed at how much attention this author has put into Christianity. It’s almost as if he likes Christianity, I mean would anyone spend there whole life focusing on what they hate, what kind of a life would that be. Pretty hopeless and dark. Or maybe he really does want the hope that Christians have only doesn’t understand and it makes him frustrated, so he’s looking for any rational way to come to know for himself. Yes, I think that is what is going on for all of you. Well, you can know God through Jesus Christ but there is only one way, a way I guaranteed you have not genuinely tried. You have to give up all of your so called greatness, wisdom, knowledge, and learning and ADMIT THAT YOU ARE A SINNER, IN DESPERATE NEED OF GODS HELP AND TO KNOW HIM THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS AND OF YOUR LIFE. Then you need the propitiation of Jesus sacrifice to be applied to you for your sins so that you can experience the presence of God Almighty because Jesus will have made you perfectly clean before him. Just like a criminal that someone bails out of prison cause that person loves them. Apart from receiving ( that is believing ) in Jesus sacrifice, no one can enter their creators presence. Those who have humbled themselves actually experience the living God, they can’t prove it but they experience it. And what is it but the very thing that these hurting, desperate, angry people in this need and are looking for…A reason to be alive, to hope; a God who loves them and has a plan for their lives. God bless all of you. I call you friends

posted by Neutron Motor on January 17, 2007 #

When you believed in god, the god was there.

posted by on July 30, 2007 #

Why do so many atheists hate so blindly? Ranting and raving about how we Christians are dumb and wasting our lives. So determined to dispute the existence of God and Jesus that they make documentaries based on faulty logic, come up with ridiculous theories, and write downright hateful letters like the one below.

The reason is simple… jealousy… It has been scientifically proven that religious experiences create a unique chemical reaction in the brain that can relive doubt, accelerate healing rates, and create a feeling of general euphoria. In other words, Man’s brain is scientifically programed to seek out God. That is why we can live on faith alone. If you have enough faith, you can fell a divine force working in your life, and it makes you whole. I believe a large reason atheists are so angry all the time is that they are trying to take that away from us because they don’t have it.

I also quoted the post that I am directly responding to. Mostly because I find it hiliarious that someone who is calling over half the country “dumbasses” misspelled the words believe and documentary.

“people need to understand that this film, while not the best documantary on the subject, IS COMPLETELY TRUE. jesus WAS NOT real, the bible IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD, and in fact, THERE IS NO GOD. all it takes is common sense and the ability to USE YOUR BRAIN.

please, PLEASE, all you stubborn, ignorant, naive christians who talk about “testing” your faith…its NOT “testing” your faith, it should be OPENING YOU EYES, or “LEARNING THE TRUTH”. i hate to say it. but christians are idiots. all of them. because they belive this rubbish. its that simple. i feel sorry for you. you are dumbasses.

this site should prove you wrong and shut you up forever. get a life. use your damn brain, why is it being wasted on you people?


posted by on January 22, 2008 #

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