RMS and Miguel: Straight Talking
Stallman has quite a bit of humopr about himself and his positions even if he’s serious about his ideals. They…
At lunch RobG and TimO discussed the new helixcommunity announcements. A new thing announced today was that Helix would be…
Guido van Rossum: State of the Python Union
Guido’s going to talk about the state of Python. O’Reilly Page. Full coverage is below….
Richard Stallman: Where This All Came From
Richard Stallman says we don’t talk about and fight for our freedom enough. (O’Reilly Page) Full coverage is below….
Larry Lessig: Freeing Culture
Larry Lessig says that we’re not active enough politically and if we don’t do anything our freedoms will be taken…
free larry
Sat down next to JimW by accident. Met DJ Adams in the elevator. Met Sam Ruby in the hallway. The…
Aaron Swartz (me@aaronsw.com)